Poszłam wczoraj na zakupy w poszukiwaniu eleganckich, wygodnych białych butów na płaskim obcasie. Te nie są może bardzo eleganckie, ale po prostu nie mogłam nie kupić takiego klasyka.
I went shopping yesterday, looking for elegant, comfortable, flat white shoes. These are not perhaps very elegant but I couldn’t resist buying such a classic thing.
I went shopping yesterday, looking for elegant, comfortable, flat white shoes. These are not perhaps very elegant but I couldn’t resist buying such a classic thing.
Plany na dziś: poprawić eseje studentów, napisać list, wysadzić bazylię do ogródka i pomalować paznokcie na różowo. I zrobić ciasto na jutro – eksperyment, czekoladowe z mięta i bitą śmietaną. Życzę wszystkim wspaniałego weekendu!
Plans for today: correct the students’ essays, write a letter, plant basil out into the garden, and paint my nails pink. And make a cake for tomorrow – an experiment with chocolate and mint cream. Have a great weekend!
Plans for today: correct the students’ essays, write a letter, plant basil out into the garden, and paint my nails pink. And make a cake for tomorrow – an experiment with chocolate and mint cream. Have a great weekend!