Planowałam napisać wesoły, kolorowy wpis o wiosennych kwiatkach w naszym ogrodzie i o mojej nowej czerwonej robótce.
Ale rano włączyłam radio i usłyszałam o katastrofie w Smoleńsku, o śmierci Prezydenta i tylu innych osób. Senator Krystyna Bochenek mieszkała dwa domy ode mnie. Jestem głęboko wstrząśnięta.
Niech spoczywają w spokoju.
I had planned to write a cheerful, colourful post about the spring flowers in our garden and my new red knitting project.
Instead I turned the radio on in the morning only to learn about the tragedy in Smolensk. We lost the President and so many important people. Among those who were killed is the senator Krystyna Bochenek, who lived two houses away from me. I am deeply shocked.
I had planned to write a cheerful, colourful post about the spring flowers in our garden and my new red knitting project.
Instead I turned the radio on in the morning only to learn about the tragedy in Smolensk. We lost the President and so many important people. Among those who were killed is the senator Krystyna Bochenek, who lived two houses away from me. I am deeply shocked.
May they rest in peace.